Happy New Year !
The Styles team wishes you an excellent year 2021!
STYLES changes its visual identity!
Since 2005, you are familiar with our logo and visual identity in grey and red. During these 15 years, STYLES has grown (while remaining an independent family group), so we felt it was important to update our identity: lighter colours (in white and blue) and a more modern, rounded logo.
However, our DNA does not change; as an independent group, we are more than ever free to work in our own way and according to our own methods, taking into account above all the human aspect on the one hand and the specificities of each property on the other hand.
Of course, the website is updated in this sense, with this new identity to highlight our different collections. You will regularly find on our newspaper artistic and architectural favorites, beautiful encounters… Do not hesitate to have a look from time to time, this space is also yours.
Finally, still concerning styles.fr, you will notice the return of the confidential section, which had disappeared with the previous site; maybe we were a little too early on this subject! The times are now more and more for confidential sales, which some of our sales customers are asking for, it’s our DNA, what’s more. It was therefore time to highlight this specificity, which for a long time now has been based on our exclusive confidential mandate, designed in-house with a multi-stage sales process that is unique to us.
We hope you will enjoy this new identity and this new site.
See you soon at STYLES!
Styles's journal